
Small businesses hold a special place in my heart. My parents own a small business, and so do my grandparents and my in-laws. Many of my childhood memories take place in and around small businesses, like waiting for my ride to school from behind the counter in my parent’s bakery and tagging along on business errands and deliveries.
Years later, after several years working in digital marketing, I began to imagine how I could use my skills to help small businesses, As I worked on websites and discussed marketing with business owners, I began to understand that for local small business owners, marketing is a chore. There is too much to do, and without spare time or marketing expertise, it’s one of the more difficult things on a business owner’s “should-do” list.
Marketing is an afterthought for so many small business owners, not because they don’t care, but because they have lots of other essential things to do to keep the business afloat.
Digital marketing has made it possible to build websites and run marketing campaigns that are targeted, agile, and measurable, but small business owners rarely have the expertise, time, or budget to be strategic in their marketing approach. My goal is to partner with these businesses to make impactful marketing campaigns possible.
I am a digital marketer, copywriter, and website strategist. I’m also a wife, a sister, a daughter, a traveler, a houseplant collector, and a lover of old and beautifully decorated homes. I live in Sussex County, New Jersey with my husband, Mitch, and my sweet goldendoodle pup, Pemi.
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